Showcasing my work and projects
The idea for Stay SANE came about when I was working on becoming a SANE nurse and was struggling with keeping track of the necessary educational classes, certificates, paperwork, precepted training and skills training. SANE stands for Sexual Assualt Nurse Examiner and the educational component is intense. I attended an adult and an adolescent training, worth 40 CEUS and over 40 hours each. I wanted something to keep track of all of this information and paperwork. It is necessary to have this well documented because a SANE's education and expertise is critical when it comes to the legal system.
Additionally, attrition for SANEs is extremely high. To become a SANE is a multi-step process requiring educational training, precepted training, additional skills training and continuing education for maintaining competency. To make things more difficult, figuring out exactly what you need to do to become a SANE is incredibly diffiuclt to do. Very few nurses endevour to become a SANE, and of those that do, there is massive attrition at each step - approximately 50% quit at each step. This leaves victims of abuse and sexual violence with very few SANEs available to provide high quality and highly competent care that also keeps in mind how these particular cases interact with the judicial system.
Stay SANE is being developed to provide specific support for SANEs in order to track progress, provide community and support SANEs. This will support recruitment, improve retention, provide needed documentation and a clear understanding of educational and certification requirements as well technical and community support.